
The DRAN program was developed using the anaconda virtual environment. Running the code on a virtual environment is highly recommended to avoid package clashes, and the following installation shows how to do this using anaconda. Anaconda is a data science toolkit with a wide variety of open-source packages and and libraries under one hub for building powerful projects.


There is an issue with the installation of pyqt5 (the library required to run the GUI) on some machines while loading the requirements file during program installation. Thus it is highly recommended that the user utilizes an anaconda installation or a virtual environment of their choice when installing the program. Please also note that the software has only been tested on anaconda so using a different virtual enviroment server might not work.

Installing and running dran in an anaconda virtual environment

First you will need to download anaconda and install it on your machine. Once installed you will create the dran virtual environment and activate it using the following commands

$ mkdir dran
$ cd dran
$ conda create --name dran --file requests.txt
$ conda activate dran

Alternatively, you can use the pypi package manager

$ pip install dran

Once your virtual environment is activated. You can now head over to Tutorials to start using DRAN.


The program has not been tested on pyenv or env yet. This is planned for future releases.