The command line interface (CLI)

In this mode data can be processed in either automated or manual mode. In automated mode, the user has the option to process the data using the predefined data reduction method “dran-auto” using the prompt

$ dran-auto path_to_file


$ dran-auto path_to_folder

This option automatically selects and locates all the required fitting parameters including the positions and locations of the baseline blocks and the position of the peak. The default fitting methods for the data performs a 1st order fit to the baseline blocks and a 2nd order polynomial fit for the peak. This processing method can also be semi-automated allowing for minor changes which can be found in the help resource which can be accessed using the following prompt

% dran-auto -h

usage: DRAN-AUTO [-h] [-db DB] [-f F] [-delete_db DELETE_DB] [-conv CONV]
                [-quickview QUICKVIEW] [--version]

Begin processing HartRAO drift scan data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help              show this help message and exit
  -db DB                  turn debugging on or off. e.g. -db on, by default debug is off
  -f F                    process file or folder at given path e.g. -f
                          data/HydraA_13NB/2019d133_16h12m15s_Cont_mike_HYDRA_A.fits or -f
  -delete_db DELETE_DB    delete database on program run. e.g. -delete_db all or -delete_db CALDB.db
  -conv CONV              convert database tables to csv. e.g. -conv CALDB
  -quickview QUICKVIEW    get quickview of data e.g. -quickview y
  --version               show program's version number and exit

On the other hand manual mode gives the user total autonomy on the drift scan reduction process. However, this implementation has not been activated yet.

The following tutorial will show you how to process data in semi-automation.

automated data reduction

Semi-automated data reduction involves typing in commands to run certain types of analysis using the program. This is the prefered mode of data reduction as it caters for both single and batch mode data analysis.

Before starting any analysis it is recommended that you first read the help doc to familiarize yourself with the basic commands required to perform data analysis with DRAN. This is done using

$ python -h

The above line of code outputs the following:

 1usage: [-h] [-db DB] [-f F] [-force FORCE] [-c C] [-b B] [-delete_db DELETE_DB] [-mfp MFP]
 2[-keep KEEP] [-delete_from DELETE_FROM] [-conv  CONV]
 4Begin processing HartRAO drift scan data
 6optional arguments:
 7  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 8  -db DB                turn debugging on or off. e.g. -db on, by default
 9                      debug is off
10  -f F                  process file or folder at given path e.g. -f data/Hydr
11                      aA_13NB/2019d133_16h12m15s_Cont_mike_HYDRA_A.fits or
12                      -f data/HydraA_13NB or -f data/
13  -force FORCE          force fit all drift scans y/n e.g. -force y. Default
14                      is set to n
15  -c C                  initiate the command to run program. e.g. -c gui or -c
16                      run_auto_analysis or -c cmdl
17  -b B                  initiate browser. e.g. -b docs or -b dash
18  -delete_db DELETE_DB  delete database on program run. e.g. -delete_db y
19  -mfp MFP              multi-file processing of data between two dates. e.g.
20                      -mfp fileList.txt
21  -keep KEEP            keep original plots while processing data. e.g. -keep y
22  -delete_from DELETE_FROM
23                        in coordination eith the filename, use delete_from to delete a row from a database
24                        e.g. delete_from CALDB
25  -conv  CONV           convert the database tables to csv. e.g. conv y

Depending on the process you want to run, you can select one or more of the available options. If there are more options you would like implemented please email the author.

To perform an automated data reduction process on a single file

$ python -f path-to-file/filename.fits

if you want to set debuggin on

$ python -f path-to-file/filename.fits -db on

To force a fit on all drift scans, especially those that the program would generally categorize as bad scans and not fit them

$ python -f path-to-file/filename.fits -db on -force y

To delete both the calibration and target databases everytime the program starts

$ python -f path-to-file/filename.fits -delete_db y

To process multiple chunks of data within seperate periods of the year you use the following command

$ python -mfp file_list.txt


This assumes that there exists a file called fileList.txt in the current directory that has the full path to the folder containing the source fits files you want to process. This file also has a start and end date in “YYYYdDDD” format stipulating the data range you want to process.

To process all the data located in your directory, this is the directory that contains all the folders containing your fits files

$ python -f path-to-directory

To run data reduction using the GUI

$ python -c gui

To run data reduction using the GUI with a pre-selected file

$ python -c gui -f path-to-file

To initiate the browser to view the analyzed data on a dashboard

$ python -f path-to-file/filename.fits -b dash

To view the web documentation guide of the software

$ python -f path-to-file/filename.fits -b docs

To run the semi-automated data reduction process through the command line

$ python

and follow the prompts. This will bring up the menu shown below with options to select how you want to proceeed with your data reduction or analysis.

 2#                                                                                              #
 3#              ######  ######  ###### #    #                                   #
 4#              #     # #    #  #    # # #  #                                   #
 5#              #     # #####   ###### #  # #                                   #
 6#              #     # #    #  #    # #   ##                                   #
 7#              ######  #    #  #    # #    #                                   #
 8#                                                                                              #
17 1. Data reduction
18 2. Open GUI
19 3. Run command line analysis
20 4. Open documentation
21 5. Open dashboard
22 6. Exit program
24 Please select an option
26 Option Selected:

To process data using the gui

$ python -f path-to-file/filename.fits -c gui

Manual data reduction

This has been implemented but not complete for testing yet.